
BlueBanquise devs and build logs

Build status

BlueBanquise build is running on a small infra with an x86_64 CPU and an arm64 CPU to build both architectures.

Dev logs

  • 26 August 2024: (pkg) slurm updated to 23.11.9, loki upgraded to 3.0.1, prometheus upgraded to 2.54.0 (and related components upgraded when upgrade available).
  • 16 June 2024: (pkg) slurm updated to 23.11.8, loki upgraded to 3.0.0, prometheus upgraded to 2.52.0 (and related components upgraded when upgrade available). Note: deb slurm packages now built using native dpkg support -> renamed to slurm-smd.
  • 12 June 2024: (dev) fix firewall role handler, (dev) improve slurm role, (doc) add more schema.